50 Damian Lillard-inspired fantasy basketball team names to try for the 2023-24 NBA season

Publish date: 2024-06-09

Despite being 33 years old, Damian Lillard is coming off a career year with the Portland Trail Blazers. While his production could drop off in his first season with the Milwaukee Bucks, the superstar point guard is still considered a premier NBA fantasy asset. Therefore, he is still being selected in the first round of many fantasy drafts.

Given his immense popularity, many Lillard fantasy owners have been thinking of naming their teams after him. However, it can be difficult for some of those managers to come up with creative team names on their own.

So, on that note, here are 50 of the best Lillard-inspired fantasy team names as voted on by basketball fans on Ranker.com:

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70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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  • Dame Time
  • I Dame, I Saw, I Conquered
  • Dame Over
  • Jeffery Damer
  • Hall of Damers
  • Shoot to Thrillard
  • Dame Of Thrones
  • My Lillard Ponies
  • More Than A Dame
  • Dame On
  • Dame Time, Dame Place
  • Dame In Hand
  • Say My Dame, Say My Dame
  • EndDame
  • Dame DOLLA
  • Dame Upon A Midnight Clear
  • License To Lillard
  • A Numbers Dame
  • New To The Dame
  • My Dame Is...
  • A Dame to Lill For
  • Don't Hate The Player, Hate The Dame
  • Ahead Of The Dame
  • Still In The Dame
  • Dame Tag
  • Anyone's Dame
  • A Dame Of Two Halves
  • Dame Of Chance
  • Skin In The Dame
  • Jagged Little Lill-ard
  • Dame Is Up
  • Late In The Dame
  • Only Dame In Town
  • Name of the Dame
  • Off My Dame
  • The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
  • Waiting Dames
  • Nothing Like a Dame
  • Dame Tu Calor
  • Zero Sum Dame
  • Shell Dame
  • The Dame Is Up
  • Head Dames
  • Mind Dames
  • Dame Stop
  • Fair Dame
  • The Full Lamonte
  • Two Can Play That Dame
  • The Long Dame
  • Fun and Dames
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    What is Damian Lillard’s fantasy basketball ranking in 9-category leagues entering the 2023-24 NBA season?

    Milwaukee Bucks superstar point guard Damian Lillard

    Ahead of the 2023-24 NBA season, Yahoo! Sports’ fantasy expert Dan Titus has Damian Lillard ranked as the eighth-best player in 9-category fantasy basketball leagues.

    While Lillard’s scoring may drop off, playing alongside Bucks superstar forward Giannis Antetokounmpo, his playstyle is still well-suited for 9-cat leagues. This comes as his elite free-throw shooting and high volume 3-point shooting, along with his assists, offer massive value. Meanwhile, Lillard doesn’t hurt any statistical category outside of turnovers.

    The biggest concern surrounding Lillard is his availability, as he only played 58 games for Portland last season. However, given that he is now playing for a contender, some of those concerns should be alleviated.

    Last season, Lillard averaged a career-high 32.2 points, 4.8 rebounds, 7.3 assists, 0.9 steals, 0.3 blocks, 3.3 turnovers and 4.2 3-pointers per game. He did so while shooting 46.3% and 91.4% at the line.

    Also Read: "We have never shopped him" - Pat Riley debunks rumors about Tyler Herro during Damian Lillard trade saga

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