6 Current/Former stars who are proud to be LGBTQ

Publish date: 2024-06-08

There has been a lot of public attention on couples in WWE over the past few years, but while superstars finding love in the company is increasing at an impressive rate, the diversity in the company is also worth noting.

For a number of years, it was made clear that Darren Young was the only openly homosexual WWE star and the company was unable to make that part of any storyline while he was part of the company.

Pat Patterson is another WWE star who was proud of the fact that he is part of the LGBTQ community and has been open about his sexuality for most of his career. Over the years, life outside of the ring has changed and right now it's fantastic to see that WWE is welcoming the change in their company as well. Here are six more superstars who are proud and open members of the LGBTQ spectrum:

#6 Current WWE Superstar: Sonya Deville

Sonya Deville is credited as the first openly gay female wrestler in WWE. The former MMA star has always been open about her sexuality.

Deville has also recently been part of the cast of Total Divas, where she was able to have her own float at Pride Fort Lauderdale. She has also been able to introduce fans to her girlfriend, Arianna.

Throughout her career, Deville has been pitching a lesbian storyline with Mandy Rose and at one point the couple had the storyline accepted by the promotion before it was canceled at the last minute.

Rose and Deville have been best friends throughout their time in the company and wanted to be able to deliver a meaningful storyline. So far, Deville hasn't been able to be part of an LGBTQ storyline, but the former NXT star is pushing for it to become a reality in the near future.

#5 Former WWE Superstar: Toni Storm

Toni Storm was possibly one of the biggest missed opportunities in WWE. The Australian made waves in the Mae Young Classic tournament, before establishing herself as a top-tier performer through her performances in NXT and NXT UK. The former NXT UK Women's Champion was feuding with then-SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair when she requested her release out of nowhere, which was granted immediately. Here's what Toni had to say about her leaving the Vince McMahon promotion:

"I'm not saying I have a problem with WWE, at all. I'm actually really grateful for the time I had there. I learned so much," Storm said. "It was so cool. It was real, it was cool, but in the end it wasn't real cool. Something just happened and I left. I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. Have you ever just lost your mind? That's kind of what happened. The stress of not seeing family in years and so many overwhelming things all at once. I've been happier ever since." [H/T: ComicBook]

However, a few months before she left the promotion, Toni Storm decided to come out as bisexual when she was hosting a takeover of NXT's Instagram stories to mark Pride Month in 2021:

"When it was announced that I would be taking over the Instagram for Pride Month, I noticed a lot of people were like, ‘Toni, are you just an ally? Are you in the community? What’s going on?' I guess now’s a good time to say, well, both. I am an ally, and I can’t exactly say that I’m straight. I’m bi, and it feels good to say it. It’s something I’ve been really comfortable with for a long time. I just never really expressed it. I don’t know, I just never found the right time and it’s Pride Month and I’m on your Instagram so now is a good time, I guess" [H/T PinkNews]

Toni Storm made her AEW debut on the March 30, 2022, edition of Dynamite, as a participant in the qualifier match for the Owen Hart Foundation Women's Tournament.

#4 Former: Tegan Nox

Welsh star Tegan Nox has been plagued with injuries throughout her WWE career but was able to set NXT alight as part of her feud with former friend Dakota Kai. Nox hasn't let her injuries hold her back and was able to become one of the standout stars in the NXT Women's Division.

She also confirmed on her Instagram account in 2020 that she's part of the LGBTQ community. The former NXT Superstar went on to share how she thought it was the right time to share the news in a recent interview with Newsweek:

“My life has always been a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ situation, but I feel like it was the right time, especially when you’ve found the right one you’re in love with. It was the right time to do that.”

Nox decided it was time and noted that it was with Sonya Deville's support that she came out publicly and showed fans the woman that she currently shares her life with.

#3 Former: Mercedes Martinez

Mercedes Martinez is a veteran and even though she was new to the scene in WWE, she's been around the business for decades and has trained some of the biggest names in the Women's Division. Martinez isn't as well known as many other stars on this list, mostly because of how poorly WWE booked her.

She is proud of her sexuality and officially came out as a lesbian in July 2019. Martinez was bullied as a child and stated that wrestling is her way of getting rid of the aggression from her childhood. The ROH Women's Champion started out her career as a basketball player, but when an injury caused her to walk away from the game, she was able to begin lacing up her wrestling boots.

Martinez is married and has a son and has stated numerous times that she's a mother first and everything else comes second.

#2 Former: Jake Atlas

Jake Atlas was one of the highlights of the tournament held by NXT in 2020 to crown an interim Cruiserweight Champion. and it's been made clear throughout his short career that he is an openly gay and proud wrestler.

The AEW recruit is the first openly gay male wrestler on the company's main roster since Darren Young. The AEW star was able to discuss his sexuality with Stephanie McMahon during their appearance on Celebrity Undercover Boss in 2018. WWE went on to officially sign the star just two years later.

#1 Current: Shayna Baszler

Shayna Baszler has made quite the impact in WWE over the past few years, with her run with the NXT Women's Championship being a memorable one. The Queen of Spades dominated NXT and has established herself on the main roster as well.

Baszler isn't someone who is as open about her personal life since she likes to live in character. The Submission Magician has become a feared member of the locker room and has been able to create quite the persona for her character during her time in the company.

Baszler confessed back in 2013 that she was in a relationship with a woman and is another proud member of the LGBTQ community who continues to wave the flag of pride while in Vince McMahon's promotion. Baszler noted that she dates both men and women while being a part of the MMA Roasted podcast.

Baszler came to WWE after a stint in the UFC and is one of UFC's Four Horsewomen, which has allowed her to climb through the ranks and prove herself against some of the best wrestlers in the company.

Watch: Current & Former WWE Superstars who are proud LGBTQ community icons!

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