Beyonce's half-brother's pleas leave netizens divided

Publish date: 2024-06-08

A plea made by American singer Beyonce's half-brother Nixon, who is the product of an affair between her father Mathew Knowles and Canadian actress Alexsandra Wright, has left the internet divided. On July 8, media outlet The US Sun published an interview with Wright where she revealed that her 13-year-old son asks why Beyonce doesn't love him:

“[He asks], ‘Why doesn’t that person love me?’ Nixon has never had the luxury of being a normal child. Being related to someone famous smothers kids like him, and they lose their identity.”

Alexsandra Wright, who is a Global Collective CEO, claims Beyonce has had no contact with Nixon even though they reside 10 miles away from each other in California:

"I think Beyoncé is a lovely person and she has never done anything to harm me. I don’t want anything from them. I sit in the bathroom and cry sometimes because I just don’t know how to help him be his own person. I just want my son to be free and to have a happy life."

The interview, however, failed to gain sympathy from netizens and they were left unimpressed, with one of them commenting:

Screenshot of an Internet user remarking on Alexsandra Wright's interview about her teenage son being estranged from Beyonce. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)

Internet reacts to Beyonce's half-brother's plea

After Alexsandra Wright's interview claiming her 13-year-old son has no contact with Beyonce went viral, the internet was divided. Several users blamed Wright for publicizing her son after sharing that being related to someone famous makes them lose their identity.

Some users also pointed out how Beyonce's younger sister, Solange, was not mentioned in the statement, suggesting Wright gave the interview for "clout." Others defended the Crazy in Love singer, stating that she does not owe them anything. While commenting on a post shared by The Neighborhood Talk on Instagram, netizens wrote:

Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of an Internet user remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)
Screenshot of Internet users remarking on Nixon Knowles's plea for Queen Bey. (Photo via @theneighborhoodtalk/Instagram)

Alexsandra Wright and Mathew Knowles first crossed each other's paths in 2007 in Seattle, Washington, while managing a business for Beyonce. As per The New York Post, she said:

“He said, ‘I am going to stay in Seattle until you agree to have a drink with me' And he stayed for two or three weeks until, finally, I said ‘fine!’”

Soon after, the pair began their affair while Knowles was still married to Tina Knowles for 31 years. However, Wright said she did not feel guilty about having an affair with Mathew.

“I was not conflicted about the situation, because his marriage was not a functioning marriage. I don’t think he told his family about me. It was a complex situation, and the family structure had been fractured for a long time.”

Beyonce's mother, Tina, asked for a divorce from her father, Mathew, in 2009. This was because he had an affair with Alexsandra, who got pregnant and asked for a DNA test. In 2010, a DNA test proved that he was Nixon's father.

She said that she and Knowles broke up right before the music entrepreneur, who was in charge of the '90s girl group Destiny's Child, was ousted from his position as his superstar daughter's manager in early 2011.

Knowles' child support payments were reduced in 2014 due to his declining income.

Wright lost all of her money in the court case and went to a charity for the homeless for help. After Wright had to go on public assistance, the women's support group helped them move into a trailer until Wright's friend Shar Jackson took them in.

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