Events, raid bosses, spotlight hours, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-11

With merely a week left in April 2023, Niantic has already revealed what awaits Pokemon GO trainers worldwide next month. The May 2023 content roadmap is now available for players to check and get ready for. The upcoming month will begin with An Instinctive Hero event that will likely revolve around the Team Instinct Leader. Similarly, A Valorous Hero event in May 2023 will revolve around the leader of Team Valor.

The month will also see a repeat of the Regidrago Elite Raids, which Niantic is arranging to compensate trainers who missed out on the earlier iteration because of technical issues in-game. Players will also see the debuts of Mega Pinsir and Shiny Tapu Fini in Pokemon GO.

All in all, May 2023 is slated to be an exciting chapter in Pokemon GO, and this article jots down all the available information regarding it.

Mega Pinsir, Shiny Tapu Fini, and more await Pokemon GO players in May 2023

The May 2023 content roadmap was shared by Niantic on the official Pokemon GO Twitter channel. The schedule is as follows:

Pokemon GO Events May 2023

Spotlight Hours in Pokemon GO (Starts at 6 pm local time and ends at 7 pm local time)

Raid Hours in Pokemon GO (Starts at 6 pm local time and ends at 7 pm local time)

Five-Star Raids in Pokemon GO (Starts at 10 am local time and ends at 10 am local time)

Mega Raids in Pokemon GO (Starts at 10 am and ends at 10 am local time)

Research Breakthrough encounters

As mentioned earlier, trainers will be able to engage in the repeat occurrence of the Regidrago Elite Raids later next month. The Legendary Titan debuted in the popular AR title back in March 2023, with the event suffering from severe technical issues that resulted in players being unable to participate.

Niantic also revealed that the Axe Pokemon will make its long-anticipated in-game debut with the upcoming May 6 Kleavor Raid Day. Lucky trainers will also have the opportunity to catch Shiny Kleavor in-game during the event.

With An Instinctive Hero, Larvesta and Volcarona debuted in Pokemon GO. Lucky players will be able to hatch the former from 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km eggs. They can then evolve the same with 400 candy to get the latter. Shiny Mantyke also makes it first appearance as an egg hatch with the event.

A Valorous Hero was recently revealed in Pokemon GO. It will see the debuts of Mega Pinsir and Shiny Tapu Fini. Players can also catch Ponyta wearing a Candela-themed accessory by completing the exclusive Special Research available during the event.

The Rising Shadows event is currently live in GO, with the shiny variant of Shadow Mewto having made its debut in the AR title.

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