How to get Stone Can in Merge Mansion
Merge Mansion is an Android and iOS game developed and published by Metacore, and has become a sensation among fans of puzzles. Players can explore the main character's mansion and complete tasks like home improvement, housekeeping, and more by merging different items.
Plenty of items are essential and invaluable to further progress in the Merge Mansion's storyline. One can upgrade different collectibles and store them in inventory for later use. However, some materials like Stone Can are hard to obtain.
As such, the following section will explore how one can get Stone Can in Merge Mansion.
Merge Mansion: A step-by-step guide to obtaining Stone Can in the famous puzzle game
The Metacore's famous puzzle game has multiple areas that players can unlock by renovation and restoration, which further requires tools, flowers, and other items. The first area in the game that opens up is The Grand Drive, which requires the Stone Can to complete.
The Stone Can is the last item showcased on Grandpa Ignatius' statue standing in the middle of The Grand Drive. However, Stone Can is one of the hardest items to acquire in the game, and players must complete 13 levels of upgrades by merging specific kinds of materials.
For the unversed, Stone Can is only obtainable via Merge Mansion's Ignatius Boulton event, which becomes open after one unlocks access to The Grand Drive's "Fix Missing Item" task. To complete the task and event, players will have to collect the following items from The Beginning storyline:
The items in discussion will belong to a specific "The Beginning" level corresponding to a particular in-game story. Players will be able to merge each item in a specific order. For example, two Small Tin Cans will make up One Cent, while two One Cents will fuse to create one Tin Can. The pattern will carry on till Stone Can, which can be sold for 3280 coins and drops 1XP Star upon creation.
However, to reach The Beginning storyline of Ignatius Boulton event, one must complete the rest of the tasks in The Grand Drive. Readers, especially beginners, can follow the step-by-step guide given below to complete the tasks mentioned in The Grand Drive area:
- Step 1: Before launching the game, use Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to download and install the latest version.
- Step 2: Complete the tutorial and skip through the cut scenes to reach the first area of the game, i.e., The Grand Drive.
- You will need to start by collecting materials and using them to complete tasks like removing broken branches, trees, and withered plants, followed by mowing grass and other renovation or restoration tasks.
- Step 3: Once you have completed the tasks and unlocked "Fix missing item," you will get access to items for creating Stone Can.
Merge Mansion is free-to-play, and while its items cost no money, the tasks often become time-consuming. Thus, the game adopts a freemium model that allows gamers to get gems via in-app purchases.
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