Is Gustav Lindstrom Related To Nick Lidstrom? All you need to know about Red Wings star's family con
Gustav Lindstrom's emergence in the NHL has sparked curiosity among hockey enthusiasts, prompting comparisons to renowned defenseman Nicklas Lidstrom. Born on October 20, 1998, in Ostervala, Sweden, Gustav was drafted by the Detroit Red Wings in 2017. On May 25, 2018, Gustav Lindstrom entered into a three-year agreement with the Detroit Red Wings, signing a contract valued at $2,775,000. This contract carries a cap hit of $775,833.
Nicklas Lidstrom, often hailed as one of the greatest defensemen in NHL history, captained the Red Wings during the latter part of his illustrious career that spanned from 1991 to 2012. The similarities in their last names and Swedish origins have led to speculations about a familial connection between the two.
However, there is no evidence to support any blood relation between Gustav Lindstrom and Nicklas Lidstrom. While they share a Swedish heritage and both excel in the realm of hockey, the commonalities largely end there. Even their last names are spelled differently.
Interestingly, Gustav's family does have an NHL connection. His uncle, Marcus Ragnarsson, previously played for the San Jose Sharks and Philadelphia Flyers. In a fitting twist, Gustav's cousin, Jakob Ragnarsson, was drafted by the New York Rangers in the 2018 NHL Entry Draft.
Gustav Lindstrom's father Anders Lindstrom and his debut game
On a chilly evening in Buffalo, New York, the KeyBank Center witnessed a heartwarming story unfold, one of a father's unwavering support for his son's dreams. Anders Lindstrom, a devoted father hailing from Sweden, embarked on a journey that spanned continents to witness a momentous event in his son's life. The date was February 8, 2020, and the occasion was Gustav Lindstrom's NHL debut as a defenseman for the Detroit Red Wings.
Flying all the way from Sweden, Anders and his wife Johanna arrived in Buffalo with a sense of excitement and anticipation. They made sure to be present for every aspect of the experience, from the optional morning skate to securing lower-bowl seats for the game. As they settled into their seats, the weight of the moment was perceivable.
In their brief visit to Buffalo, Anders and Johanna bore witness to a historic game that ended in a 4-3 shootout win for the Red Wings. The significance of the moment was not lost on them and their gratitude was evident as Anders expressed,
"We are amazed. We have to thank Detroit for the help with the journey because this is a smash."As the Lindstroms returned home to Sweden, they carried with them memories that would last a lifetime.
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