Is Leah Hextall related to former Penguins GM Ron Hextall? Looking at the background of the Canadian
There has been speculation among hockey fans regarding the potential family ties between sports broadcaster Leah Hextall and Ron Hextall. Many have wondered if the shared last name is indicative of a familial relationship between the two.
According to public records, Leah Hextall indeed shares a familial bond with former NHL goaltender and general manager Ron Hextall.
Leah Hextall, born on December 17, 1979, is a Canadian sports broadcaster who has made significant contributions to the field. She has an impressive resume, having worked with notable networks such as ESPN, NHL Network, and Sportsnet.
Leah has covered various hockey events, including the NHL, IIHF World Championships, and the Winter Olympics. She's undoubtedly made a name for herself in the world of sports broadcasting.
On the other hand, Leah's cousin, Ron Hextall, has also left an indelible mark on the sport. Ron played 13 years as a goaltender in the NHL, most notably with the Philadelphia Flyers.
His career accomplishments include winning the Vezina Trophy in 1987 and being inducted into the Flyers Hall of Fame. Ron later transitioned to management and served as general manager for both the Flyers and the Pittsburgh Penguins from 2021 to 2023.
Both Leah and Ron have made significant contributions to the world of hockey in their respective fields.
A closer look at Leah Hextall's deep roots in the world of Hockey
Leah Hextall's personal life is intertwined with a rich hockey legacy, as she hails from a family deeply ingrained in the sport. Her grandfather, Bryan Hextall Sr., was a highly esteemed player who spent 11 seasons in the NHL. He was honored with an induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1969.
Following in his footsteps, Leah's uncle, Bryan Hextall Jr., enjoyed a successful 10-season career as a centerman in the NHL. Additionally, her other uncle, Dennis Hextall, played 12 seasons as a left wing.
Beyond her involvement in hockey, Leah has shown versatility in her career. In 2017, she hosted events at the Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba Annual General Meeting.
Additionally, she worked as a communications staffer for Brian Pallister's government in Manitoba from 2017 to 2020. She has expertise in the field of communications and public affairs.
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