Is Shanin Blake dead? Viral Burning Man death tweet claim explored
As Burning Man attendees have finally been given permission to leave the event site, rumors of Shanin Blake passing away have taken social media by storm. This comes after law enforcement announced that Leon Reece had died at the festival. How speculation of the former’s death came into being remains unknown. At the time of writing this article, no official sources had confirmed that the influencer had passed away.
Twitter user @buckadeath was one of the many who alleged that Shanin Blake had passed away at the festival. They attached a video where the hippie content creator was singing about “collective consciousness,” “law of attraction” and “affirmations.” The platform user tweeted:
“Crazy that she died at Burning Man”:At the time of writing this article, the tweet had amassed nearly two million views.
Another platform user claimed that they were certain that Shanin Blake had died. Twitter user @dad_nrg tweeted:
“We have a few mutual friends and sadly it’s true.”Twitter user @Louise_A_Allen expressed worry after rumors of Blake’s passing were aired. They asked netizens to confirm whether she had really died or not.
Everything to know about Shanin Blake
Shanin Blake is also known by her moniker Sunshine999 on social media. She gained a massive following since 2020 for her hippie or naturalist aesthetic. The youngster is best known for her music.
Blake uploaded her first song on YouTube, Bag of Hammers in 2013. Since then she has released several other tracks including The Game and an album titled Soul Child amongst others. She has amassed over 23.8K subscribers on the video-sharing platform.
Despite having a massive following of 393K on Instagram, she has also amassed several critics online. Several netizens accused her of cultural appropriation since she often sported dreadlocks. Her music has also left internet users weary. She has been accused of trying to copy Black artists’ "music style."
At the time of writing this article, law enforcement had not confirmed her death. She last posted on Instagram five days ago. Since no official sources have confirmed her supposed passing, one cannot assume that she has died.
Meanwhile, Leon Reece’s death at the Burning Man festival continues to raise eyebrows. The Perishing County sheriff’s office announced that the 32-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene. The cause of death remains unclear at the time of writing this article.
As festival attendees are given permission to leave the event, it has been reported that the burning of “The Man” is scheduled to take place at 8PM today. Addressing the lively spirit, Scott London, a Californian photographer said in an interview with The Independent:
“We are a little bit dirty and muddy, but spirits are high. The party still going.”Burning Man started on 28 August and was scheduled to get over by Monday.
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