Noel Noa's advice helps Isagi find a breakthroughagainstSnuffy
With the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 223 out, fans witnessed Marc Snuffy initiating Ubers' new attack design. As they executed new attack patterns, the Bastard Munchen players found it increasingly difficult to counter their moves. However, Noa's advice to Isagi allowed him to come up with a new plan.
The previous chapter saw Ubers playing with a new formation that saw Lorenzo and Niko joining the attack. With an increased pace of attack, Ubers looked threatening. As a result, the Bastard Munchen players were pushed to the point where they had to try everything to even defend their goal.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Blue Lock manga.
Blue Lock chapter 223 spoilers shows Noa's hint helping Isagi to create a new plan
As per the spoilers for Blue Lock chapter 223, titled Are You Willing To Die..., the upcoming chapter will resume with Ubers' attack as the ball drops back to Marc Snuffy's feet. Upon Snuffy's instruction, Niko, Aiku, and Lorenzo prepared for the next attack design. Meanwhile, Isagi wondered how he was supposed to stop them when even his metavision was outread by the Ubers master striker.
As Ubers began their new attack pattern, Isagi tried to think how Snuffy would. Seeing that the ball was passed to Drago in the left wing, he was certain that the ball was going to be crossed to Snuffy. So, knowing that the master striker was lurking in a blind spot, Isagi was worried that they were wide open for another attack.
Drago crossed the ball to Snuffy, but just when he was about to receive the ball, Michael Kaiser came out of nowhere hoping to steal the ball. However, Snuffy jumped high and headed the ball to Niko. As soon as Niko received the ball, Noel Noa arrived at his position and challenged him to shoot. However, Niko was content with Snuffy's design and passed the ball toward Shoei Barou. That's when Isagi reached his position and blocked the pass for an Ubers' throw-in.
While Yoichi Isagi was able to stop Ubers' attack, it was clear to him that only he, Kaiser, and Noa were able to keep track of the Ubers players and defend against them. If Snuffy were to turn his attacks up a notch, they were bound to be in great danger.
After this, Isagi was starting to understand Snuffy's playstyle. Unlike him, who wanted to score his own goal, the latter was willing to be the watchdog for his team, making sure that his designs work. He does so by making use of his outstanding balance and contact skills as a striker. However, unlike Snuffy, Isagi did not have the luxury to play as a surveillance player and had to try and score from his own attacks.
Blue Lock chapter 223 spoilers then showed Noel Noa approaching Isagi. He told Isagi that the essence of Snuffy's playstyle was his incorporation of the Japanese martial art "jiu-jitsu." He combined the core of the martial art with his football skills, giving him an ultimate advantage as a player. While Noel was a better striker, he considered Snuffy to be the best overall player due to his versatility in different positions.
Seeing that Noel Noa had some information about Snuffy, Isagi asked for his advice on how to beat him. However, the master striker did not have an answer and advised Isagi to hold on for three minutes until Snuffy would have to leave the field. As it is, Bastard Munchen should now have a much easier time playing against Ubers.
Upon hearing Noa asking him to be patient, Isagi managed to ideate a new plan to stop Snuffy in Blue Lock chapter 223. As the match was set to resume with Ubers' throw-in, Isagi called out to Raichi Jingo, asking him if he was willing to die.
Final thoughts on Blue Lock chapter 223 spoilers
Blue Lock chapter 223 saw Isagi create a new plan to stop Marc Snuffy and the Ubers. While he did not reveal the plan in this chapter, it is clear that Raichi Jingo will be vital for the same. Given the keyword that helped Isagi create his new plan is patience, there is a good chance that he is going to use Raichi's persistence to try and win the ball from Snuffy.
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