Release date, what to expect, where to watch, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-06

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7 will air in Japan on August 19, 2023. Fans have experienced a mix of relief and confusion upon the return of the series after a long break. However, they have also expressed disappointment with the studio's decision regarding the sequel's rebroadcasting, which began on July 9, 2023.

The reason behind the controversial decision remained a mystery, inciting many fan theories.

However, fans are overjoyed that the series is finally back, resuming the Demon Lord, Anos Voldigoad’s journey to uncover the decade-old truth, exploring the cause of Leno’s death and restoring peace in Dilhade once again.

Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from The Misfit of Demon King Academy anime and light novel series.

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7 is set to air on August 19, 2023

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7 will release this Saturday, August 19, 2023, in Japan at 12:30 am Japan Standard Time and in the U.S. at 9:00 am Pacific Time on August 18. The episode will be streamed exclusively on Crunchyroll for fans worldwide.

Below are the release dates and timings for The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7, along with the corresponding time zones:




Pacific Standard Time

Friday, August 18

9:00 am

Central Standard Time

Friday, August 18

11:00 am

Eastern Standard Time

Friday, August 18

12:00 pm

British Summer Time

Friday, August 18

5:00 pm

Indian Standard Time

Friday, August 18

9:30 pm

Central European Standard Time

Friday, August 18

6:00 pm

Australian Central Daylight Time

Saturday, August 19

1:30 pm

Philippines Time

Friday, August 18

12:00 am

Brazil Time

Friday, August 18

1:00 am

A brief recap of The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 6

After returning to the enemy's enclave, Anos and others discovered that not everyone had fallen victim to the Demera’s hypnotic influence. However, the Highbloods and the likes of Lord Melehyth couldn’t evade its effect.

Avos, seeking answers from the Mythical Age, chose to travel back 2000 years ago by using the Revalon on the treasure house. As advised by Revest, Anos attacked him to use him as a diversionary tactic to reach the Timekeeper’s scythe.

After activating the artifact, along with his subordinates, Anos went back in time, moments after the death of his past self. As messing with the timeline could incite an even bigger catastrophe, Anos assured everyone that Gods of Time would repair any damages made.

Despite knowing that the celebration in Gairadite was being held due to the Demon King’s defeat, Anos found it amusing and was relieved that his sacrifice restored peace. Anos and others encountered Shin and Leno, who were bickering like a normal couple.

Zashia offered holy candies to Lejno and received cookies from her as gratitude. After Anos decided to follow the couple, Lena sensed that something bad was on the horizon. After he found Leno in trouble, Anos saved her and eventually introduced himself as Anosh Porticoro, a traveling performer, to her and Shin.

Anos and others were about to be attacked by a magical beast, but Lay took the matter in his own hand and charged at it without a weapon. Anos requested Shin to pass his sword to Lay so he could defeat the beast. Although Shin doubted Lay’s capabilities to handle the weapon, he was eventually amazed after witnessing Lay’s proficiency and prowess.

What to expect from The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7?

The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7 has yet to reveal a preview teaser to help fans glance at what comes next for Anos and others.

However, Given how the recent events transpired, it can be anticipated that he will find out the reason behind Leno’s death and how Misa became Anos Dilhevia.

As Shin seems to recognize his master regardless of the fact that he proclaimed to be a traveling performer, he will do his best to serve him again to help him achieve his quest.

More groundbreaking revelations will be made that will shake the foundation of the Demon King’s very existence.

Stay tuned for more The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2 episode 7 updates as 2023 progresses.

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