Special Hell arc One-Shot unveils launch date for its fresh digital colored manga format
It has recently been confirmed that Bleach: Special One-Shot will get an official digital-colored version. On August 28, 2023, the official X (Twitter) JP account of Weekly Shonen Jump announced that the colored version of Bleach: No Breaths From Hell will be released on September 4 in digital stores.
Written and illustrated by Tite Kubo, Bleach: Special-One Shot was first released on August 9, 2021, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the series. The story of this one-shot focuses 12 years after the events of the Great War and teases a new hell arc. After two years of its initial release on digital platforms, this one-shot manga would see its official digital manga version. As a result, fans are excited to read the one-shot once again in colored format.
Bleach: Special One-Shot will see its digital manga format release on the first week of September
As mentioned previously, on August 28, the official X account of Weekly Shonen Jump (@Jump_Henshubu) announced the details regarding the digital release of Bleach: Special One-Shot colored version. It has been mentioned through a tweet that the colored version of the manga will be available in digital stores starting from September 4, 2023.
Fans who want to read the fresh digital colored version of Bleach: No Breathes From Hell can buy the manga digitally from various digital stores in Japan, such as Amazon JP, Apple Books Jp, Ebook Japan, Comico, Honto, Renta!, ReaderStore, and more.
In addition, the official Japanese website of Shueisha has listed the digitally colored version of Bleach: Special One-Shot, further mentioning that it would go on sale from September 4 onwards. According to the specifications, the digital manga would be comprised of 110 pages.
Unfortunately, there has been no news regarding the physical release of the manga. Therefore, those who have been waiting for the physical manga version might have to wait a bit longer. Nonetheless, this news has excited many Bleach fans since they would now finally get to enjoy Tite Kubo's one-shot manga in full-colored version.
About Bleach: Special One-Shot
On August 9, 2021, a brand-new Bleach one-shot manga was released to commemorate the series' 20th anniversary. Titled Bleach: No Breathes From Hell, or Bleach: Howl From The Jaws of Hell, this special one-shot illustrated the lives of Ichigo Kurosaki and other Soul Reapers 12 years after the Great War, creating an anticipation for a new arc.
According to Shueisha, the synopsis of Bleach: Special one-shot reads as follows:
"The long battle between the Shinigami and the Quincy has ended, and everyday life has returned to peace. One day, Ichigo receives a report from Abarai. It was news of participation in the ritual 'Soul Funeral Festival' held after the funeral of the captain who died in the war. Ichigo joins the vice-captains who have come to this world to preapre for the ceremony, but unrest is approaching without a sound..."As of now, mangaka Tite Kubo hasn't provided any details on whether or not he would continue with this new arc. However, considering the grand success of Bleach TYBW, there's a possibility that he might continue with it.
Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.
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