When the legendary boxer's ex-fiancee showed off her engagement ring

Publish date: 2024-06-08

In May 2012, Floyd Mayweather and his ex-fiancee Shantel Jackson appeared on the hit MTV show, 'Ridiculousness'. The popular comedy series displays viral videos from the internet, usually failed stunt attempts.

While Mayweather and Jackson graced the show with their presence, the latter was asked to show off her swanky engagement ring. Catching a glimpse of the $10 million ring, host Rob Dyrdek was left speechless.

The said ring is reportedly made of '25 carat fancy intense yellow diamonds'. Mayweather gifted Jackson a matching bracelet as well, which boasts 50 carat diamonds.

Mayweather, who is known to make a spectacle of his wealth, also brought $1 million onto the set of Ridiculousness.

When the show aired in 2012, Mayweather was coming off a huge win over Miguel Cotto that saw him capture the WBA (Super) light middleweight title.

The same year, 'Money' topped Forbes' list of the world's highest-paid athletes, pocketing $85 million. He became a receipent of that honor three more times in 2014, 2015 and 2018.

Is Floyd Mayweather still in a relationship with Shantel Jackson?

Floyd Mayweather met Shantel Jackson for the first time in 2006 when she was still working as a hostess in Atlanta. They put an end to their eight-year relationship in 2014.

Jackson accused Mayweather of assault and defamation, while the undefeated boxer alleged that her then-fiancee aborted their twin babies.

Floyd Mayweather is currently dating model and entrepreneur Anna Monroe. He had recently asked Monroe to move out of his mansion so that he could focus on his exhibition bout against Logan Paul.

Mayweather and Paul competed at the Hard Rock Stadium last month. The 26-year-old YouTuber was able to survive eight rounds with arguably the greatest boxer of all time, which garnered him heaps of praise.

"(Logan Paul) is a great young fighter. Strong, tough. He's better than I thought he was. He's a tough, rough competitor. It was good action. I was surprised by him tonight. A good guy. Even though he doesn't have much experience, he knew how to use his weight and he knew how to tie me up tonight," said Floyd Mayweather after the fight.

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