Which is the right one for you?
Destiny 2 Lightfall has dropped, and you can assemble your fireteam and begin a new journey in this massive universe. You can play the campaign solo or team up with your friends to start the journey to Neomuna. Destiny 2 Lightfall campaign offers two difficulty options for you to choose from: Be Brave and Become Legend.
While "Be Brave" is the normal difficulty level, "Become Legend" provides a tougher challenge. As a player, you are free to select any difficulty right from the start. However, the game will also allow you the option to switch difficulty levels, so that you are not stuck with an undesirable challenge.
How to choose the right difficulty option in Destiny 2 Lightfall
Destiny 2 Lightfall is a much-awaited chapter in this long-running space shooter. You can start the campaign from the director menu, which is now systematically presented with destination planets on both sides of the screen. On the left side, you will notice Neptune, and hovering over it will display a pop-up about the Lightfall campaign.
Proceeding with Neptune will open up the mission screen, and the first mission is called First Contact. You can add a fireteam member at the top right of this screen or proceed solo. After pressing launch on the bottom right, you will be greeted with the difficulty options.
Be Brave (Normal)
If you are new to Destiny 2, this difficulty setting is a classic one most players choose when they begin their journey. Enemies won’t be too challenging, but you must note that every enemy in Destiny 2 has a level, so that higher-level ones might pose a challenge.
Furthermore, if you are a seasoned guardian solely playing the campaign to soak in the narrative experience, Be Brave is the ideal setting. You will have less resistance from your foes, allowing you to savor the sights of Neomuna and the impressive skyboxes of Destiny 2.
If you find this mode too easy, you can always change the difficulty by returning to the director screen and relaunching the mission with the legendary mode. On the flip side, if you aim to speed run the game and acquire the soft power cap, feel free to play the game on Be Brave setting.
Become Legend (Hard)
If you wish to take it up a notch and face tougher enemies, go for the Become Legend difficulty. It is aimed at seasoned veterans, but you can always try to test it yourself. Hovering over this difficulty option clarifies the risk of playing the game on legendary.
If you have played the previous Witch Queen campaign, you will have some idea about the degree of resistance you might face in this mode. Having friends play alongside you in this difficulty is highly recommended, but you can do it solo.
The rewards listed with this difficulty level are Exotic Armor, Gear Bundle (1770 Power), eight Upgrade Modules, and 300 Strand Meditations. If you wish to acquire these rewards, you must complete the story on legendary difficulty.
You might want to tone down the difficulty because Become Legend may throw some unfair challenges at you. Feel free to complete the Destiny 2 Lightfall campaign on normal first and then replay it on the legendary setting.
More about Destiny 2 Lightfall
Destiny 2 Lightfall introduces you to a city called Neomuna on Neptune. You get to unlock a new subclass named Strand. You can team up with your friends and delve into this new chapter of the Destiny universe.
You might face technical issues like error code cat, servers temporarily at capacity, etc. These can be resolved by verifying file integrity on both Steam and Epic platforms.
You can check out this article that delves into the details of the expansion size on all platforms. Bungie is set to introduce a new Raid on March 10, so you can finish the campaign and get geared up for the Raid.
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