Who is Dominique Boxley? All about Anthony Fantano's wife as Drake leaked DMs drama takes over Twitt

Publish date: 2024-06-22

Singer Drake and music critic Anthony Fantano recently got into an internet feud after the latter released messages that the former had allegedly sent to him. The Hotline Bling rapper has, since then, publicly stated that the direct messages shown in Fantano’s recent messages were fake.

Anthony Fantano, also known as theneedledrop online, has accumulated over 2.63 million subscribers under his YouTube channel. The New York Times has called Fantano “the only music critic who matters” for millennial music lovers.

The YouTuber recently released a video titled Drake Slid Into My Dms, where he claimed that Falling Back singer Drake had found his way into his Instagram messages. In the screenshots shown in the video, Drake allegedly said:

“Anthony! It’s Drizzy.”

The rapper allegedly continued:

“I know we don’t see eye-to-eye about music and that you are not the biggest fan of most of my albums.”

Anthony Fantano went on to claim that Drake texted him to say that he hoped Fantano would like his next album. In the next message, Drake allegedly sent the music critic a vegan cookie recipe.

Just a few hours after the video’s release, Drake took to his Instagram stories to deny texting Anthony Fantano the aforementioned statements. The rapper went on to troll the critic’s music rating system by saying:

“Your existence is a light 1. And the 1 is cause you are alive. And cause you somehow wifed a black girl.”

In his final DM, Drake said:

“I’m feeling a light to decent 1 on your existence.”

Who is Anthony Fantano’s wife, Dominique Boxley?

Although Drake referred to Fantano’s wife in his Instagram story, it seems like the YouTuber is in the middle of a divorce.

According to Tuko, Fantano's wife Dominique Boxley is an American actress and screenwriter, who is reportedly in her 30s.

Anthony Fantano and Dominique Boxley (Image via fantano/YouTube)

Although Fantano is one of the most popular voices in the world when it comes to music criticism, the internet personality prefers to keep his personal life guarded. That said, he did reveal in an earlier video that he met Boxley in the early 2000s and that they went on to bond over their love for music.

Soon after they met, Fantano and Boxley took their first vacation together to Hershey, Pennsylvania. The couple tied the knot in the mid-2010s.

Following their relationship coming to light, Boxley began sporadically appearing in Fantano’s videos. She made her YouTube debut on Valentine's Day in 2011, where the couple discussed 10 different romantic songs. Since then, Boxley has appeared in a few other videos too.

Speculation of their divorce first started brewing when Fantano stopped mentioning and including Boxley in his videos. The couple later came forward in a YouTube video released in 2018 to debunk the rumors. Speaking about their private relationship, the music critic revealed:

“We've just been relationship wise just kind of under the radar because our privacy is important but you know my online show is about my opinions on music it’s not how my marriage.”

However, divorce rumors have surfaced again this year.

Fans react to Anthony Fantano and Drake's online feud

As Drake and Anthony Fantano continued their feud, the duo began trending on Twitter. While many netizens were disappointed to learn that Drake took the music critic’s opinions on his album seriously, others were stunned that Drake messaged the YouTuber in the first place. Social media users also found it hilarious that Fantano left Drake’s Instagram message on read.

Take a look at these reactions to the duo’s interaction.

Reactions continued pouring in.

Following the duo’s internet feud and Drake dragging the YouTuber online, the latter has not issued a statement on the same.

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