Why is Alex Murdaugh pronounced Alec? Speculation abounds amid ongoing trial
As Alex Murdaugh's murder trial continues, many are now wondering why the legal advisor was called “Alec” during the trial and across social media. He is currently charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two weapons charges. He pleaded not guilty and is in the midst of a trial.
Prosecution claims that Alex Murdaugh gunned down his 52-year-old wife Maggie Murdaugh and their 22-year-old son Paul, on January 7. The former was allegedly shot multiple times, including once in the back and other additional shots while she was lying on the ground. Paul was reportedly shot in the chest and the head.
Most recently, the couple's other son Buster Murdaugh took the stand and testified about the moment he learned about his brother and mother’s death. The 26-year-old claimed that he received a call from his father:
“He sounded off, and then he told me that my mom and my brother had been shot.”Buster was called to the stand to assert that Alex Murdaugh was a doting husband and father who did not wish that his son and wife would die.
Amidst the trial, speculation about why Alex is sometimes being pronounced as "Alec" in the trial has been raging on social media.
Alex is a Scottish name with “Alec” being one of its forms. Alex is often times pronounced as either “Elex” or “Elec.” In earlier years, people used to pronounce the name with a “c.” Now, people mostly use the term “Alex.” This would explain why the 54 year old is often times referred to as Alec Murdaugh.
Why is Alex Murdaugh called “Alec”?
According to Calendar Canada, Alec is an English and Scottish short form of Alexander. Alexander is the Latin version of the Greek name “Alexandros.”
In Greek, Alex is typically a gender-neutral name, which means “defender of humankind.” The Greek term Alexandros is derived from the Greek work “alexein,” which means “to defend,” “to protect,” and can also be considered as “man or warrior.”
Social media was filled with internet users debating the confusion of Alex Murdaugh's name. A few comments online read:
Along with facing murder and weapons charges, Alex Murdaugh also faces dozens of charges for his financial crimes that include defrauding clients of funds, computer crimes and misappropriating money from his law firm. It has also been alleged that he defrauded the family of his former housekeeper who died in a strange slip-and-fall accident at his residence.
Prior to Buster taking the stand, Mike Sutton, a forensic engineer, claimed that Alex could not have shot his wife and son as he was too tall for the shot. It was also analyzed that it was possible for someone to be inside the house and not hear the bullets.
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